11 November, 2008

Upendra Verma IPS

After the indomitable K.J. Joseph and the gentleman officer P.K. Hormis Tharakan, according to seniority it was rightfully Upendra Verma’s turn as DGP Law and Order. It is true that both the UDF as well as the LDF Governments neglected the services of the brilliant officer. Maybe they did not want an uncompromising person to head the state police force.
However Mr. Verma should thank the powers that be for unwittingly sparing him the ignominy of presiding over the extremely politicised force which has to dance to the tune of their political masters, more so in the present dispensation. The incidents of politicians and their cadres forcefully taking away detainees from the police station almost every other day has severely eroded the credibility of the force to act impartially.
Mr. Verma should take heart that even though both the Governments meted out injustice to him, the discerning public had taken note of the bias against him.

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