13 January, 2009

What's up 4 Kerala

From the responses of the ministers to the ‘What’s Up’ column carried by ‘The New Indian Express’, one is forced to come to the conclusion not to expect anything better in Kerala in the year ahead as far as governance is concerned.

None of the ministers had anything new or imaginative to offer except the mundane. Especially the Chief Minister’s, “Houses and land for all” is like pouring water down the drain. Instead of wasting a huge amount like 5000 crores on giving free land and houses and thereby making the already lazy Kerala populace even more slothful, the amount should be better used for improving the infrastructure. The consequent increase in economic activity would have brought liquidity into the hands of the common man and help him to buy land and build houses on it by himself.

Nevertheless one need not worry about the Rs. 5000 crores going waste because the state does not and will not have even 50 crores in its treasury after paying the salaries and pension of its huge wealth of bureaucratic employees.


  1. Joy,
    Good to know that you concur with my view. Can’t expect anything sensible from these commies and their cronies.

    Just curious, how did you find my blog? Are you a regular visitor?

    Knowing that there are people visiting my blog encourages me to post more often.

    Thanks for the comments.

  2. Nebu....now tat u know there are ppl visiting ur blog and reading you...stop lazying around and write more frequently.

  3. I agree with Jonyboy. Seven weeks have passed since your last post.

  4. Achen,

    You don't consider my posts of the 18th,19th,25th & 30th of Jan. as well as of the 04th,12th,20th & 22nd of Feb. good enough to be called posts or are you having trouble navigating to the blog posts ?
