20 February, 2009

Pseudo Bucket Collection

Last week the local CPI(M) office bearers of Vandanmedu a small village in Idukki district of Kerala State, India, approached me for a donation to the party fund. I stated that I was willing to contribute Rs. 2000/- but they asked for Rs.8000/- and wouldn’t settle for anything less than Rs.5000/- which I had to give with heart burn. Of course receipt was duly issued.
I would rather remain silent if the political parties (loot the public money) target MNCs like SNC-Lavalin etc. for their fund requirements and leave small fry’s like us alone.


  1. LOL!

    and only recently I came to know that the from the salary (or whatever) that the MP's take, which is arnd 45,000/- 35,000 goes directly to the Party and the MP gets only 7,000 to spend.. no wonder this party has so much money.. not only it takes from every party member but also from the public.

  2. Happy Kitten,

    The communists are fundamentally fascists. You have to live in Kerala to experience it.
