18 September, 2009

In defence of MOS.Sashi Tharoor

The people at large and the congress party media managers are making a mountain out of a mole hill regarding MOS Sashi Tharoor’s innocent ‘Twitter’ jibe regarding the ‘Cattle classes’ and the ‘Holy cows’. It was an entertaining reply to a clever question. One has to be of the same feather to appreciate a joke of the same and that is what Tharoor realized at his own peril; the difference between his international and native friends. Where has our collective sense of humor disappeared? One should learn to laugh at one self. Looks like we didn't inherit the good qualities from the British, but at least the Italian born Congress President Sonia Gandhi should show better sense of humor and laugh it off.



  1. very true.we were also talking about the same thing.he is not a natural in this political business, i guess.

  2. I agree that we have no sense of humor whatsoever - just self-righteous outrage over the silliest things.

  3. Absolutely, Meera & Kamini. There may be a hidden agenda too. Many run of the mill politicians didn’t take it too kindly to Sashi Tharoor’s candidacy and that too winning by nearly 1 lakh votes in his debut. They feel threatened that the Trivandrum Parliament seat will be his permanently. So these people are taking advantage of this silly matter to show him his place and if possible to make him resign from the minister ship. Thanks to our PM, who has a good sense of humor, to laugh it off and save Mr.Tharoor’s skin. Both are an asset to the Nation

  4. Poor Shashi - a witty comment , said lightheartedly, has created such a furor,simply because we are so self righteous and priggish.

  5. Dear Nebu;
    I think there is a slight different angle to the so called controversy.
    Future PM post aspirants and the so called promoters have also sensed the arrival of stiff competition, and very naturally wanted to create some negative noise about it.

    The real irony is, the largest democratic party in the largest democratic country in the world , haven't excercised any meanigful in-party democracy for a long long time (Since Shri P V Narasimha Rao), instead the positions are filled with mainly nominees. Good or Bad.. we will have to debate.

    Anyways its good for our country that able personalities like Dr Tharoor have taken up politics. U must advocate for your uncle- PKHT- AT's bro- to take up politics and get to mainstream and try to make a difference like Dr Tharoor is trying to.

  6. Kariyacan,
    If HT enters politics it will be a dream come true but do you think Kerala or for that matter Indian politics has matured enough to accept gentlemen like him?

    In Indian perspective MPs and MLAs are expected to do things that have to be taken care off by the local Panchayat member or the municipal councilor. Actually the primary job of the MPs and MLAs is enacting sound laws for the common good of the citizens. Indian people are entwined by all kinds of archaic laws from birth to death that in reality the parliament and legislatures should now repeal most of the laws that hinder the true potential of its citizens.

    After being in very sensitive posts I believe Achen’s cool off period is not yet over. However I have forwarded your comment to him. Nevertheless he would have made an excellent Dy.NSA to take over as NSA eventually.
